May 18, 2018
Dear Tommy,
Ever seen folks happy to stand in line?
If not, you need to visit a Minnesota car wash in the spring. This is a cheery group of folks! Winter is fading into memory and the air is fresh. Trees are budding, birds are chirping and Minnesotans can finally scrape the salt, sand and muck off their cars.
Washing my car in the spring takes a certain degree of timing and no small amount of patience. If I wait too long I’ll get to spend all day in line at the car wash, which can take the shine off the experience. If I wash too early, I’ll drive away with a clean, shiny car and find myself frozen-in when I get home.
I assume all the stuff under the hood of my car needs post-winter maintenance as well. We’ll be taking a lot of car trips this summer and I don’t want to overheat, so high on the list of my spring maintenance is a flush and fill of the cooling system.
Do I need to get a cooling system service every spring?
Minnesotan Jenny
Dear Minnesotan Jenny,
Coolant potency and quality usually takes a few years to degrade to the point that it might sacrifice engine protection.
Here are my two cents on the coolant, stick with the OEM-recommended coolant flush intervals, as newer vehicles and coolants have changed dramatically in the last decade. Unlike people, engine coolant does not suffer from frostbite or sunburn. It is a very stable liquid protectant.
If you want to be certain that your cooling system is protected, get a BG service every 30,000 miles. The BG Cooling System Service is backed by the Lifetime BG Protection Plan®. That way, should any damage occur, you’ll be covered.
Good luck with your car wash timing!
By Tommy Garcia
BG Technical Sales Engineer
Tommy has 20 years of experience in industrial maintenance. He is a hot rod enthusiast and lover of all things automotive. Before his role as BG Tommy Garcia, is a Technical Sales Engineer for International Trade Operations at BG Products, Inc. Tommy has 20 years of experience in industrial maintenance. He is a hot rod enthusiast and lover of all things automotive. Before serving in his current role at BG, he was the Shop Foreman for the BG Proving Ground.