January 19, 2024
The harsh winter weather months are upon us, meaning snow, slush, and ice in abundance on the road. For those of us who have to venture out during these next few months, it’s important to be prepared.
Keep your car properly maintained, especially the brakes, tires, battery, and fluids.
Avoid cruise control, which can make controlling your vehicle harder.
Stay alert and focused. Pay close attention to the road, other drivers, and the weather conditions.
Leave more space between you and other vehicles. It’s harder to control or stop your vehicle on a slick or snow-covered surface.
Know how to handle skids/avoid fishtailing: If your car starts to skid, remain calm and steer in the direction your vehicle is skidding towards. Don’t overcorrect, slam down on the brakes, or accelerate suddenly.
Use your lights: Ensure all lights are clear of snow and ice before driving. Use your low beams in foggy/snowy conditions for better visibility.
If your children are still using children’s car seats, avoid big, bulky jackets. The harness will be too loose, so make sure to put them in thinner jackets when in the car, and put the harness underneath the jacket. You can add blankets on top for warmth.
Tell someone your travel route and expected arrival time in case of emergency.
Avoid unnecessary travel. Stay inside somewhere safe and warm, if possible.
Keep a winter weather car kit. (see below)
If you do end up stuck in an emergency situation in a harsh climate, here are some things to help you stay warm, visible, and safe until help comes: